15.7mb•Nov 21
Use parameterized links to access optimized variants of your photos and videos.
We give you html snippets that ensure your users load appropriately sized images for the devices they’re viewing on.
Create optimized photo variants, adjusting parameters such as format, size, and quality.
Supported inputs: png, svg, jpg, webp, tiff, heic.
Supported outputs: webp, jpg.
Create optimized video variants, adjusting parameters such as format, size, and quality.
Supported inputs: mov, mp4, wmv, flv, avi, webm.
Supported outputs: webm, mp4.
Organize your uploads into folders for a clean workspace.
Nov 21
Nov 21
3d models
Nov 21
Generate variants on the fly simply by fetching the transform link or pregenerate them from the binsta UI.
Enjoy fast response times through our CDN-enabled asset links.
storage limit
max upload size